Exciting News! ??

Exciting New! 🀝

Friday 03 November 2023

We are thrilled to share a significant development with all of you.
As of today, Gennaro Sicilia is taking on a new role within our company. He will be not only our CEO but also a proud partner of the company.

This decision was a testament to our unwavering belief in our corporate mission and the incredible team behind it.

Gennaro says: "I am excited to invest further in our shared vision and to work alongside each of you as a partner in our continued success".

Bret, the President of TGT, declares: “This is indeed an important opportunity for our company, and I would like to offer my heartfelt congratulations on this new change. The commitment and dedication of Gennaro to our shared vision are unwavering, and this move only strengthens our resolve to achieve greatness together.”

Let's write the next chapter of our journey together! πŸš€πŸ₯‚